Monday, June 15, 2009

14th :)

i missed tp's trng yesterday morning because well... i cldn't wake up but i went for nike trng. (: met mh chris and val at leisure before trng. swoosh had game while the rest carried on with trng but halfway thru it rained quite heavily so we seeked shelter and supported swoosh! (: dinner aftermath with the rest at leisure, short walk and talk session w bf and home w the rest!

tday, i met b and we took a quick lunch at whitesands before heading to dhoby ghaut for movie! we caught 'drag me to hell'. obviously i didn wna watch it but b insisted that it's very nice and he managed to convince me into watching the movie in the end. i seriously pay to scare myself hahaha. after movie we took a train down to serangoon and we had our dinner at chomp chomp! bus home after dinner. (:

original plan for tomorrow is sentosa outing with my classmates buttttt it's the time of the month so i decided to give it a miss ): i'm sorry!

so i guess it's trng tomorrow in school w new coach.


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