Sunday, June 28, 2009


i think i did badly for my mid semester tests though i haven't got back all of my papers except csa. i flunk my csa theory paper which was quite expected so now i just hope my excel project fetch me some good marks to pull up my overall grade cause i don't wna retake csa again in year 2! ok with that aside now, i don't think i'm gna do well for the other subjects :( but i can only blame myself for it. i was really affected by B that point in time cause we were going thru a tough patch. as much as i regret now, i can't do much cause what's done cannot be undone. i just have to work twice as hard now so i can do well for the exams in aug-sep to help pull up my overall grades. i'm pretty disappointed and i don't feel good at all.
seeing everyone around me do well, i feel embarrassed of myself.